FREE SEO Audit for your Website

make the necessary changes to get your website ranked on google searches

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What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s how we make our websites “play nice” with Google and other search engines, so that they’re more likely to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords. 

SEO is a complex game, and some of us have devoted years to understanding what Google’s algorithm likes and does not like. While we can never fully understand Google’s secret, proprietary system, we can learn some about it. 

What we do know about SEO is typically broken into 3 major categories. 

1. On-page SEO — This refers to the basic on-page elements. Proper heading tags, image alt tags, content keyword density, etc.  This includes some of the stuff we know the most about, and a very important foundation for SEO. 

2. Technical SEO — This refers to the more technical stuff. Page speed, SSL, etc. Google has some technical basics that it looks for as a ranking factor. 

3. Off-page SEO — This is primarily referring to backlinks to your website. Google considers you to have more authority and credibility if you have other websites linking to your website in a relative way. 

All 3 of these factors have to be taken into consideration for SEO, but Technical and On-Page are the easiest to address immediately. Most website owners could feasibly make all of the necessary changes to meet the guidelines for these in a few hours if you know your way around website design/development. (Even if you’re using a DIY tool!)

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Having trouble finding more business? This simple guide will go over some of the exact tools and methods we use for our clients. 

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